'A school’s curriculum is everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes. It is not simply what we teach, but how we teach and crucially, why we teach it.' (Curriculum for Wales, 2020)
A high-quality curriculum is required to achieve equity and excellence for all learners. The Central South Consortium aims to provide a range of evidence-informed professional learning opportunities and support and guidance to support curriculum development. Also, to support collaboration across the region there are number of curriculum specific online networks and communities.
For further support and guidance please contact:
Project Manager: Beverley Blackburn
Area Leads:
Digital Learning: Sarah Summers
Expressive Arts: Amanda Jones
Foundation Learning: Ruth Best
Health & Well-being: Sonja Barnard
Humanities: Nicky Hagendyk
Languages, Literacy & Communication: Andy Lillford
Mathematics & Numeracy: Louise Davies
Science & Technology: Sarah Summers