NQT Induction

At Central South Consortium (CSC) we aim to ensure that every NQT has the necessary support during their induction period.

Bridging from QTS into Induction:

The ITE team works closely with the Induction team at CSC to enable individuals to achieve a successful transition from ITE into work. This includes offering bridging support via Microsoft Teams.

Getting started:

Support for NQTs:

Please read the Statutory Induction Guidance here.

Professional Learning (PL):

NQTs are entitled to 10% non-contact time on top of PPA to engage in our professional learning opportunities.

Support and Guidance for Induction Mentors and External Verifiers:

For further support and guidance please contact:

Project Support Officer: Matthew Robbins

Appropriate Body: Rebecca Roach

Associate Adviser for Early Career: Lucy Donovan


Other areas of Professional Learning