Equity and Well-being

Central South Consortium is committed, in partnership with local authorities and other stakeholders, to the success and well-being of every learner, regardless of background or personal circumstance. Equity and excellence go hand in hand, and we cannot have one at the expense of the other. (Welsh Government, 2017)

The professional learning opportunities provided by Central South Consortium are to support educators in Wales as part of the national mission (2017), which declares that we need, ‘strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being’. As part of our ‘Enabling Equity and Excellence’ document, this professional learning offers clear approaches for school improvement to realise this national ambition for all learners.

School leaders and practitioners must ensure equity for all learners, planning for and implementing a high-quality curriculum, consistent approaches to teaching, learning and well-being. To support this, schools must work in partnership with all stakeholders, both within and beyond their school community. This requires clear communication facilitated by a shared language that is known and understood by all.

‘Alongside targeted interventions, improving the quality of teaching is the strongest lever schools have to improve pupil outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged students’. (Education Endowment Foundation, 2020)

For further support and guidance please contact:

Project Support Officers:

Equity and Well-being: Sharon Parker

Curriculum - Health and Well-being: Bev Blackburn

Area Leads:

Equity and Well-being: John Welch

Curriculum - Health and Well-being: Sonja Barnard

Other areas of Professional Learning